Please don't scroll past! Left in the unknown seeking answers or some hope

So I have been to the doctor every week, I'd like to just move on but they keep giving hope. Today was another ultrasound! My sac is bigger my yolk sac is def way bigger and they did see a fetal pole with a potential flicker meaning heart beat but could pick it up only could see it. The doctors are stumped I'm overwhelmed. The feral pole is measuring 5.5 and the sac and yolk sac is constant with a 7 week or 7 and 2 day growth. They won't call it until they know for sure they keep telling me it's a chance it maybe okay and they don't want to call it a failed pregnancy yet. I'm stuck not knowing until next wed. I think they want to give it a chance because of my history of MC. I cant find anyone on this app who has gone through this! So please give me insight only if this has happened to you and what the outcome was. I feel like I'm getting false hope!