wondfo warning!

Ash • mc 10.16 pcos 🐱🐱🐱

so, 12dpo here. tested bfn on frer this morning and tonight i decided to curb my poas addiction by testing with a wondfo. i collected my sample and dipped my wondfo and got this (above photo)

i freaked out for a minute but also noticed that the control wasn’t as dark as it usually is. i also noticed that the urine was really slow moving across the strip. my guess is i didn’t dip it long enough. it looks as though the dye got momentarily trapped on the antibody line. i then dipped it for a second time, which allowed the control to show up like usual and bam, second line gone.

i just want to let people know, so they might not get over excited about their “bfp” to later get a bfn...woo woo. good luck ladies. 💓🙆🏻‍♀️