Valentine’s Day


My LO is 16 days old. I had plans today to fix my hair and try look nice before his daddy gets home from work but nope. It’s now 4pm and I’m still wearing my house robe. He was awake from about 5:30-8:30 this morning then again from 11:30-4:00 pm. Feeding has been like this

- 11:42 left side (20 minutes)

- 12:06 right side (10 minutes)

- 12:40 right side (15 minutes)

- 1:45 left side (20 minutes)

- 2:11 right side (15 minutes)

- 3:15 right side (20 minutes)

- 3:43 left side (20 minutes)

I’m tired 😩 back is sore and the little guy just doesn’t want to nap. Ftm too. Guess my little guy is getting all of moms love and attention today