
Has anyone ever felt that although opks and all this tracking are helpful it’s also extremely stressful, or is it just me feeling this way?? I am going to be 39 in june and we lost our first baby in mid December - I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks and had to have a D&C;, we found out baby had no heartbeat :-( I was so anxious to start trying again and we have been since last month when my cycle returned. I’ve been using opks again and luckily I am ovulating as I have been getting positive results . However I am finding that I am even more stressed out this time than last time before I got pregnant. My husband and I only had sex twice so far this week during my fertile window - I had a positive - peak this morning and we didn’t do it all day!!! We did it last night though around 1am so hopefully that helps. He says he doesn’t want to feel pressured , he wants a a baby of course but I don’t think he really understands how stressful this is. Not only am I almost 39, but we had a miscarriage. I told him I want to do it every day this month during the window and he said he doesn’t want to feel pressured Bc it makes it worse, to just let it happen. But how can we just “let it happen”??? If we let it happen it never will!! Trying to have a baby takes some planning. Yes when I got pregnant in November we only did it three times a week so we didn’t do it everyday , but that was Then - that doesn’t mean it will be that easy this time around! And I lost it too. I don’t have all the time in the world. I don’t know what to do it’s hard enough seeing everyone around me getting pregnant and here I am almost 40 and no kids. I bought some sexy outfits and even ordered some kinky games to spice things up which he really liked. I stopped telling him about the opks too. I don’t understand why men have to be so difficult if you want to be a dad it does take some planning! A lot of this is pure science!! I’m starting to think I shouldn’t buy the opks anymore it’s causing me a lot of stress and I feel more stressed now and want a baby more now that we had that miscarriage. Any advice is greatly appreciated or anyone else who has also been stressed and can relate would help. Thanks!