Pregnancy and marriage TMI (no pic)

Ladies, let me just say, I'm posting this anonymously because it's hella embarrassing, but I have to brag about my husband. Pregnancy hasn't been too kind to my body, I've had several infections, bacterial and yeast, that put me off sex for weeks at a time, normal body changes that come with pregnancy. Well now I'm in my final weeks and just getting over another yeast infection when I developed a lump... In my butt, not on my butt, INSIDE my butt. I of course had my doctor look at it and she said she thought it was a cyst, another common side effect of pregnancy 😞 she recommended warm 15 minute baths a few times a day to keep it from being infected, well that seems to have done the trick, and my cyst turned out to be boil, the warm baths brought it to a head and it opened up tonight (yuck!) and my oh so sweet hubby, finished draining it, cleaned it and put ointment on it. If I ever doubted his love for me, believe me, I'm not now. This story is gross and I'm sorry but I really felt the need to brag on my hubby for doing the most embarrassing thing ever and he did it and made me laugh afterwards. That's love ladies. There's always a negative story on here about husbands cheating and what not, and I thought I'd change it up. Thanks for reading my embarrassingly gross and random story. Feel free to brag on your hubby/SO on this post, especially if you have a man that's done something you never thought you'd ask a man to do!