I just can't anymore...

I am totally lost. I don't know what to do about my and my husband's life. We are having to move and we can't find anywhere to rent that will allow our pet's for a price that we can afford and I can't get rid of my cat, she is literally my everything. My husband refuses to rehome or get rid of our dog and his cat because we love them so much. He thinks we make enough to be able to afford a mortgage, but I am worried we won't be able to afford everything we have right now which is

• 2 cars $200 a month

• both car's insurance $700 a year

• our health insurance $150 a month

• Mortgage $500-$600 a month MAYBE!

• insurance on the house don't know a price

• If we have to rent $500-$600 a month

• Property tax if we get a house

• Feeding our animals

• Feeding us

• Surprise payments

• Our phones even though we have cheap ones

• Gas

• Ect...

He and I just had a huge fight because I am trying to figure out how to help my sister that lives with my abuse and controlling mother. She is making it so my sister can't get to school or work because she makes her late when she gives her dies to and from and she hasn't allowed my sister to get her drivers license so I am trying to find a way to get her a ride to and from places. I wanted to get her a car, but neither of us can afford that. I want to buy her a nice motor scooter, but she doesn't want to drive that in the cold or rain. I would let her use my car, but she can't drive without an adult and if she gets caught driving my car without an adult I'll get in trouble. I said I hated being poor because I want to be able to help my sister and afford thing's and my husband got all pissed and said that I said I hated our life, which I don't. I just hate being poor and not being able to help. Then he said it was all my fault that we missed our $700 car insurance payment because I put the bill in his mom's mail slot that we mail to her when we can. I didn't mean to, it had her name was on it so I thought it was for her so I put it where I was told to. His mom's mail comes to us because we live in her old home that she is moving back into this summer. There is so much going on. He only makes about $800 every 2 weeks and I make any where from $170-$357 every 2 weeks depending on scheduling. I'm trying to get a second job, but it's hard. Idk what to do anymore. I'm just a failure and can't do anything right and fuck everything up all the time.