1st miscarriage

I am 24 years old, I found out at the beginning of the year I was pregnant (unplanned, and I'm single). I was sent for a dating scan, measured as 6 weeks 5 days gestation and they found a faint heart beat. They asked me to go back the next week. I went back and they could only see a faint heartbeat again, got asked to go back again the next week. Went for another scan this thursday (10 weeks 6 days) and was told my body has already started a misscarriage, hours later I was bleeding and had large clots with major pains this morning. Now I'm finding it really hard to come to terms with this and find it so hard seeing people out with babies and I feel like I want a baby even more now to fill in the missing piece after losing this one. Anyone else been through it that can help me with any advice to get through this please. My family have been supportive but dont understand what I am going through as they dont know anyone that has been through this.