please help me i need help

So I am 14 and i’m in 8th grade. If you could read everything below and advise me that would be great.

I met this guy in 4th grade. But I am going to give you the whole backstory.

It was 4th grade and we were in gym. I don’t remember anything much exactly but i do remember him running into me and me falling onto the ground. of course i was shocked at who it was but once i saw him i don’t know i felt that connection. he quickly helped me get up and he told me multiple times “i’m so so sorry!” “are to ok!?” “i can’t believe i did that”

fast forward to 6th grade. he was in my class and the teacher sat us across from each other in tables of 6. so he was in front of me and we talked all day. sooner or later we became friends. sadly here’s the turning point. i had a crush on another guy but looking back on it it wasn’t exactly a crush more so just attraction i guess. so i decided to tell my guy friend that i had a crush on this other guy. and he wanted to help me in any way possible for some reason. i still felt that connection towards him however. so i have him my snapchat and he gave me his. so we texted all day and all night. he would text me good morning and goodnight every day and we would have meaningful conversations as well as conversations about him trying to get me and my crush together. meanwhile our table mates in homeroom were his and mine best friends. there were 2 more guys and 2 more girls at this table. they all told me constantly how he likes me and all that. he denied it and i just wasn’t focused on it since i had my other crush. when we had drama class our table mates made us romeo and juliet and we had that connection and attraction as far as i felt it. it was an eye opener to me as he told me he loved me (but this was just a play) fast forward to the end of the year, i had gotten new friends and i asked the teacher to move me to my friends’ table and i left my original table. after that he never talked to me and whenever i looked at him you could see he had that long face at me. i felt bad but never did anything for us to talk again. fast forward to the present 8th grade. of course i no longer looked like a dork and i didn’t have my short hair and glasses and skinny body. i have contacts, medium length blonde hair, curvier body, and was quite short 😂 now he looks like 👌😍 he has the hair long enough for a man bun and of course he’s nearly 6 feet tall and he grew out of his short skinny body too and of course it’s not just his looks but his personality as well. he is such a gentleman and everyone of my best friends say “omg he’s like your man he’s perfect for you”. so i started talking to him in person and on snapchat. he never cares to text first or really wants to engage in conversation. i don’t know what i’m supposed to do anymore. i have feelings for him and i see us being girlfriend and boyfriend and him being there for me all through high school and hopefully getting married one day. but i don’t know. i asked him what happened ever since 6th grade (on snapchat) since we used to be best friends and he gave me this long speech about how he never thought we were best friends or even friends he thought i just needed help with my guy crush and that’s all he did. of course i didn’t believe this and now i hear he likes some other girl and i’m compeletely out of the picture. i just honestly need advice. if i just let him go off. or if i try to do something else or anything. i mean we have the perfect love story and i know he isn’t completely over me because he still cares because whenever i am hurt he is there for me and i know it’s not over. please just any advice?