My story👼

In March of 2017 I got my first BFP!!! I was very excited it actually came up right away so I was sure I was further than I calculated. At 8 weeks I had my first appointment. But I couldn't get a ultrasound that day because it was just a check up for stds an wanting to know family health history. I was scheduled to come back in 4 weeks for my ultrasound. Well at 9 weeks I began spotting. Right away I went to the doctor. They did an ultrasound and everything was fine. We figured it was just so late plantation bleeding or old blood. Well bleeding continued but was very light not enough to cover pad. So I went to my routine checkups and again baby was growing and no one could figure out where the bleeding was coming from. So on May 2 around 3am I began having uncomfortable feelings in my back. I tried to just drink I figured I was just dehydrated or something because I could not eat dinner that night because of all the worrying. By 5 am the pain was now in my back lower stomach and was unbarring. I said this is enough time to go to the doctor. So I got up out the bed and big gush of water came down my legs. And blood came right behind it. My mother came and called my mother in law and said call the ambulance. I sat in my bathroom on the toilet to avoid the blood to spread more because it was just so much. And before I knew it I felt an blop and felt pressure down there for a minute. I cried before I looked in toliet. After sitting for 20 mins waiting on ambulance I finally got up to see what was in toliet. It was so much blood the water was too bloody to see. I grabbed some gloves and pulled my lifeless baby out the toliet. So tiny but fully formed EVERYTHINg was developed.... will be continued