Help Needed!!!

I have been with my boyfriend for a while now but I don’t know if I still have feelings for him like before. We been arguing lately and I’m getting tired of it. Today we got in a argument because I asked him a question and he was all accusing me of not trusting him. When before he had told me that if I had a question to go directly to him instead of wondering or believing lies. He was all asking me if I will ever trust him and if it will always be like that. When he’s the one that gets jealous for everything and for any little thing, he gets mad. I’m just getting tried, I love him and all but I think it might be time to break it off. I just don’t want to be in a relationship where I can’t even ask questions or express my feelings. He means a lot to me but idk if I’m doing a mistake by breaking up with him. I sometimes see a future with him and other times I don’t. I sometimes feel like if we break up I will be devastated and other times that I will not. I’m not sure if I truly love him like I say. I’m so confused.