baby zayid 💙💙

Mayra • Mommy to a beautiful baby boy 5|24|15 Caleb Zayid
Sorry in advance for it being so long 
My induction date was May 22nd, doctor started me off with cytotec so she placed 1/2 pill into my cervix (which was very painful btw)  few hours later she placed another since My cervix showed no progress😞 even though I was having contractions, 2 more pills later finally my cervix thinned out. the next day which was a Saturday she started pitocin, Few hours later she checked for dilation and NOTHING. I wasn't dilating at all. She didn't want to send me home because my baby was meazuring big and I'm very small. So she told me she would shut everything down and let my body rest and start pitocin again Sunday morning and she did. So they finally let me eat food (went 2 days without it😩) and I was ready to rest, but to my surprise my body went into labor on its own shortly after😱 contractions started BAD! I felt them all over my back and my stomach even breathing was hard. I was only 3 cm at that point.  I was like WHAT!!!!! All this pain and only 3cm😞 I got the epidural and I finally got to rest through the contractions. Few hours later they checked for dilation I was 6 cm, 2 hours later I was ready to push. I pushed for almost 2 hours I felt like my eyes were going to pop out while pushing since he was stuck but finally Sunday the 24th at 1:31 pm my little bundle of joy arrived 
8 pounds 15 ounces 
We had to stay an extra day since I'm anemic and in lost a lot of blood I was soo weak I couldn't even walk.
Now my stitches have healed and still in pain but ohhhh sooo in love, such a crazy and amazing experience & My baby was definitely worth it all
 Meet my little man Caleb zayid❤️
He turned 2 weeks yesterday