Am I overreacting???

Monica • Excited to meet my baby girl👶🏽🎀😍
So about 2 months into our relationship his "friend" sent him a picture of her in her bra with the excuse that she wanted to show him her costume for a party...I thought it was a but inappropriate considering they have been intimate before. Well no they're just "friends". I asked him to to let her know to plz respect our relationship and he apparently did. Well it happened again (she takes many inappropriate pictures over social media) so I told him how uncomfortable I was and asked him to please just delete her off it. Well now he's fighting to keep her as a friend (the two incidents happened a few months ago). Since then we haven't been the best the last month or so and I told him that until we are in a better place I would like her to stay out of his life....we both want to work things out before our baby girl arrives in about 5 months.  He says I am being controlling and that's how it all starts because I'll start off with one person then continue with more as time goes on. I disagree. Am I overreacting??? Or is he just not understanding me?? 
Please help!!!!!!