Husband lost his job today. 😳

My husband and I have only been TTC for two cycles. We've been married for two years now and we have wanted to start our little family for a long time. We decided to start trying last month because hubby was up for a promotion at work. Well, instead of a promotion, we found out his contract is being terminated so that the company can hire someone with a stronger background in his field. We have been completely blindsided. Now I've gone from praying for a BFP to praying for a BFN this cycle. He graduates in December from his master's degree program. I have a stable position with benefits and my graduate degree. We will get back on our feet somehow! 5 DPO today and terrified that we actually may have conceived this cycle. I'm feeling really lost and confused. I could use some words of encouragement and prayers as we begin looking for a new position for hubs. Thanks in advance.