Can't get pregnant ☹


In 2011 I had an ectopic pregnancy. We weren't financially ready to try after that. We lived with my in-laws for 8 years after we got married. We finally bought our first home 2 years ago. We also have a son who will be 8 years old in a few months. We have been trying to get pregnant for 1 year now and nothing. I went off of the pill the beginning of last February. I also gained 20 lbs in the first 2 months and I'm not sure why. My diet didn't change at all. I have used ovulation tests. And also started to use Preseed. I have an appointment with my gynecologist on March 8th to go over options. She said my tube could be blocked from the ectopic so that may just need to be flushed. Has anybody had anything similar to this happen to you? It also scares me that it's taking so long because I will be turning 35 at the end of March. I'm starting to get scared that it just might not happen ☹