Cytotec - mmc

My doctor prescribed me 4 200mcg of cytotec to help me pass everything. I had my first u/s at 5w5d w/a heart rate of 88, almost 2 weeks later and the next u/s showed I was only measuring 6w2d and they couldn’t find the heartbeat. They diagnosed it as a missed miscarriage and I decided to see if I’d pass It naturally again since I just went through one in October.

I already have been waiting for just over 2 weeks for it to happen naturally, but I haven’t even started spotting or cramping. My doctor said that I can take the pills orally or vaginally, but to take them all at once. I decided to look up what exactly I was in for, and from what I’ve read a lot of people either take one at a time or put it under their tongue? I’m pretty hesitant now on taking all four at once, cause it sounds like it’ll be intense. Please if you’ve been through this before, what did you do? Take them all at once? One at a time? Any advice would be extremely helpful.