I don't know what to do...Please help

I'm 11 weeks pregnant. Throughout this whole pregnancy, I haven't been sure I wanted this baby (And yes I was on birth control). I already have a 22 month old and a 1 year old. I love them both so much but my nerves are shot, and I don't think I can handle another one. I'm a stay at home mom and my fiance works most of the time and rarely sees us. Both of my pregnancies with them were very high risk and I almost died after the births. I will just be blunt and say that up until this point, I've just kind of sucked it up and faced the fact that I have to have another baby. But now that I have reached almost the second trimester, I have been beyond stressed. I can't sleep and I can't eat. I have broke down and cried numerous times because I don't know what to do. This pregnancy is more of a burden than anything. I want this baby so bad, but I dont think I can emotionally handle another child. I wish someone could just make this decision for me but I know I have to make a decision asap. Adoption is not an option for me. I applaud the women that have done it and were strong enough to do it, but I'm not strong enough to handle adoption and I'm not changing my mind. Have any of you ever been in my place and if so, what did you do? *Any rude comments will be reported*