terrified and feeling alone


hi, everyone. so I’m 11 days late for my period and starting to worry that I’m pregnant. I’m not stable enough (financially, emotionally, mentally, or physically) to have a child and quite frankly, don’t want one at this point in time. I’m not ready at all for one. i don’t have a job, my boyfriend doesn’t have a job. we fight on a regular basis. i just wouldn’t feel right bringing a child into this world knowing i can’t give it a good life. i don’t want to go through the pregnancy either. my boyfriend has basically told me i have to have the kid and there’s no other option. he’s calling me every name in the book and saying I’m an awful person if i have an abortion. i understand it’s his kid also but there are tons of medical risks waiting to happen if i go through with a pregnancy i don’t want. i know it’s selfish and i don’t want to be judged because i feel very safe on this app. i just need support and guidance. I’m 19 years old and i feel so lost. i don’t know what to do.

update: i took 3 pregnancy tests last night and the first one came back as “?”

but the other two came back completely negative!!!

turns out i could’ve waited until this morning because i started my period as well! feeling super relieved and like a weight is lifted off of my chest! thank you to all the kind words and support 💘💘