Announcement idea opinions


Hello ladies!

So my fiancé and I have been thinking of ideas on how to share our pregnancy on social media. We both want to wait for a while still at least because I had a miscarriage last year and we don't want to announce and then have to tell everyone if it happens again (I'm 11 weeks now).

My fiancé said that he wanted to wait until I was like 5 months and take a picture of me and my pregnant belly and post the picture with a caption "how do you tell your woman she is getting fat" (acting like he doesn't know I'm pregnant).

I modified the idea by finding a shirt on Amazon that says "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant", so I was thinking we could take a picture of him holding a sign saying "how do you tell your woman she is getting fat" and then behind him and off to the side I would be standing there wearing the shirt and then in the background between us we would have baby booties and an ultrasound picture.

I would just like to clarify that my fiancé does not think I'm fat, or call me fat or ever put me down about my weight, it's solely just joking around. But I wanted to ask you ladies if you think this is a neat/unique idea or if it might be received in poor taste with the choice of wording or?!

Opinions please, I don't mind criticism and honest opinions but please don't be rude!!