Is this even possible?? 😨

L • Mommy to two boys and a little girl 💕

So my boyfriend came home from the Army Feb 16. Of course we had some pretty mind blowing rough sex. During i felt this weird clicking sensation when he went really deep to my cervix. After we had sex I bled a lot! i mean i went to the bathroom right after and it was steadily flowing out. it stopped after about 5 min. About 5 days after i went to an OB/Gyn apmt (i suspected an infection due to increase discharge) they did std and bv/yeast tests everything was clear. Now starting this week (the 26th), i started noticing im soo effing moody, nauseas, tender breats, extreme fatigue. Yesterday and today (Feb 28th and March 1) i was spotting light pink which i NEVER do. i know chances are slim with the iud but ive never experienced these symptoms in the 4 YEARS ive had it in.