pregnant and going through divorce...

Ashley • Angel baby 3.27.16🖤 Rainbow 1.6.17💖 Due with #2 oct.18

Hey ladies has anyone been pregnant while going through divorce? I'm really struggling...I'm 6 weeks along with baby #2 and already have a 13 month old (both with my soon to be ex husband of 7 years). we tried so hard for our 1 year old and were so excited during the pregnancy and then it's like after we had her a flip switched and he became abusive towards me and was constantly cheating. we decided to divorce, well I found out that my BC failed and I ended up pregnant the very last time we had sex, go figure. He pushed for abortion but I don't believe that way. Now I feel this pregnancy is so gloomy and unwanted and I'm terrified of doing it all alone. any advice?