1st IUI tomorrow

I just got my peak result from my OPK test. My doctor doesn’t come in on Sundays, so I will be calling first thing tomorrow morning for an appointment. I’m nervous but also excited to try something new. Trying to get pregnant has been such an emotional roller coaster. My partner is frustrated that it hasn’t happened yet. We’ve been trying for about 8 or 9 months. Our age (late 30’s) makes us feel like it’s now or never. Like there’s an expiration date right around the corner. I feel a BIG amount of personal responsibility because I’m the older one. Also, his ex wife that was a lot younger got pregnant right away when they were trying. She had a miscarriage. She got pregnant from the first guy she dated post divorce right away as well. They had their baby last year. For some reason, I use that to make me feel even worse about it. I used to get so emotional when I tested negative, but sadly it’s become more normal. I get sad & nervous when I have to give him the bad news but I feel like in general I handle it better than before. I’ve never been pregnant before and this is the first time ever trying. I wish we had met each other earlier in life but there’s nothing that I can do about that. I pray with everything in me that our time comes very soon. Hopefully, this month!