Please give advice

Girls - I need serious help. I have been married to my husband almost 2 years. We have been together for 3.

I am begin abused emotionally, and the other night he grabbed me and pushed me to the ground. My knees and arms were blue for 2 weeks.

I talked to him, and explained it can't go on like this. (We have seen a councilor 2 times - now every time I make an appointment he has an excuse)

It continues daily - how horrible I am and how dirty I am, and and and. Then the apology and repeat.

Now the cherry on the cake is we are struggling financially, without reason (but under admin) - he just likes spending money on crap, and then I have to make sure we come through with what ever we are left with.

So we are in need of a second car, because I work far from home. He made me go to his grand mother to ask for a loan. She said no. I suggested my father, because I know he would help. My husband flat out refused and said he has his pride.

This morning - he told me I must go to his grandmother again. I refused and told him I have my pride. He continued to scream and shout at me and told me FINE -just make sure the car we have now gets new tyres and gets a service. I mean REALLY?

There are so many more negative things.

I know I should leave.

But HOW??

I need advice PLEASE?