HSV Denial (I need advice) 😣

When i was 18 i was diagnosed with HSV 2 on the genitals. To say i was heartbroken was an understatement. I won’t go into details. But i remember the day like it was yesterday. I went to the ER to get checked out. I was in a room full of male doctors and one female nurse who glared at me. They told me i had bruising and tearing of the cervix and vagina along with of all things HSV 2. I was humiliated and ashamed. I was still so new at sex. And here i was on display to a room full of strangers. No one asked what happened to me. If i was ok. Did i need help. If i wanted a rape kit done. Nothing. I was alone. No one to hold my hand or tell me it was going to be ok. They didn’t even run tests. They just looked. Took them less than one minute to shatter my life. I held my head up though, made it home from the hospital before I broke down. Depression was always there. I’m 20 now and i think I’m finally over the denial. I thought they were wrong. After i healed up from all the bruising and tearing i never had a break out. For months!! I went on with life. Had boyfriends. Had sex with them. None of them caught anything. I always asked, and we got checked. I have a boyfriend now and we have unprotected sex. Still nothing. But every time i get a bump or ingrown hair i feel like I’m right back in that ER room getting diagnosed. Honestly I’m convinced i have it. And maybe just don’t have break outs often. Idk what to do. I get blood tests done, i make sure my boyfriend is ok. I always check myself out. I even document everything from discharge to a pimple. What would you do in my shoes? Do You think i have it?

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Posted at
I mean I would just go and get a test done so that can help you know if you have it or not 💙 if you do just know it's not the end of the world


Posted at
Doesnt sound like you do to me


Nadia • Mar 15, 2018
I did. I went to a female doctor. She told me i was just irritated probably from shaving and told me to do sitz baths. I should probably see a third and break the tie


Lizziebeaaar • Mar 8, 2018
Its okay to worry, have you got another opinion by a diff dr?


Nadia • Mar 7, 2018
I would say too. I tell my mother everything and she says I don’t either but idk i just worry


Posted at
Did your blood tests actually confirm HSV2?


Lu • Mar 7, 2018
Do you ever have outbreaks down there??? If you do, you need to get a swab. That’s the best way to confirm herpes.


Nadia • Mar 7, 2018
But the thought is always there. I googled that blood tests don’t always confirm it... i guess im just freaking myself out. But every time i dont feel normal down there thats where my mind goes


Nadia • Mar 7, 2018
No nothing ever showed up 😕, besides i have an iron deficiency