Help! AF10days late

AF is 10 days late and I have taken 4 tests over the last week. They were all negative.

I was feeling a little nauseous/bloated last night and my breast are very sore today.

Could I be pregnant or is just the start of my period. My period isn't usually regular but my average cycle is 37days. It was two weeks late last month and I had every pregnancy symptom possible. Sore nipples and breast, nausea, sensitive to smells, frequent urination. My period was stronger than usual but the months before that they were light and stuck within that 37day time Frame.

If I were to test again, when should I test?

If I were pregnant wouldn't it of showed up on a test already?

We've only been TTC for about four months. I guess I'm eager and excited.

I'm probably overthinking it.