Prayers Post-Op


I had surgery about 3 weeks ago now that is supposed to help me ovulate. My body basically produces too much estrogen and not enough progesterone to ovulate so I never have before. Husband and I have tried for 4 years unsuccessfully, and after much prayer, He suddenly placed me with the right doctor at the right time, and this doctor was able to figure out the issue and a fix ((GOD IS GOOD)) during this surgery it was discovered that my left ovary was so devoured by endometriosis (I had NEVER been diagnosed with endo with 4 years of doctor appointments for irregular periods and mild/moderate pelvic pain) but they removed the ovary and fixed a lot else, so I am hoping this next month will be my first month to ovulate. I know God has a plan and he has made a way for ALL of this and I am SOo thankful for his perfect timing. I could go on and on about his faithfulness, but anyway, please help me pray for his perfect will and timing and that it is finally the time for God to grant me the desire to be a mom... thank you in advance!!!