Spots in the baby's heart


I am looking for any moms that have been through my following scenario or anyone to provide support and comfort me as I am really breaking down mentally. A little background info, I am currently 22 weeks pregnant. My husband and I were TTC and I used ovulation tests and new exactly when I ovulated and got my positive at 10dpo. At 6 weeks we had an ultrasound but my OB couldn't find a sac or anything so she sent me for HcG testing to confirm I was indeed 6 weeks and not earlier, which came back as 6 weeks no shock since I knew how far I was. She then set us to the hospital to locate the baby as she suspected ectopic pregnancy. everything turned out fine, baby was healthy and in the uterus, had a strong heartbeat, etc. Then at 10 weeks she told me I had a tilted uterus which was making it difficult to hear the heartbeat. My husband's mom works for a different OB and she had us come in for him to do an ultrasound to ease our minds about the heartbeat and he couldn't tell if the baby was growing properly so he sent us to the hospital where they once again said everything was fine. Now I just had my 20 week ultrasound and my OB said she saw spots in the heart which she thinks are calicum deposits which are common in babys with Down Syndrome, but my quad screen came back negative and she said there were no other issues with the baby to lead her to believe it was indeed DS. She is sending us over to another radiologist to have a level 3 ultrasound done on my baby girl's heart. I am very worried and I am tired of hearing possible bad news everytime we go in. update: we saw a specialist and there was absolutely nothing wrong with our baby and her heart.