Dear Ex

We met on a dating app and started talking. You were funny, and sweet and kind. A few days later you asked me to be your girlfriend, and I said yes. You called me beautiful, and gorgeous, and 'my girl ' sand I loved it. We were good for a while. Then, I'm not sure what happened. Maybe it was the stress like you said, or maybe it was me, like I had thought. But something had changed. You stopped calling me beautiful, and I stopped feeling beautiful. You stopped calling me your girl, and I stopped feeling like your girl. I thought I had done something wrong, and you didn't assure me I hadn't. Then you convinced me to sneak out of my house. I knew my parents would kill me if they found out. But I thought it would help us. I told you I didn't want to have sex. You pouted and pouted and kept asking and asking. You forced me to say yes. You forced me to say yes every time. When I couldn't be with you, we fought on the phone. You once threatened to not talk to me for a month. I knew my mental health was going downhill. So I took the blame for each argument. It was my fault that you cancelled plans to see me. My fault that you were failing. My fault that you wild rather go out drinking with your friends instead of seeing me. Everything was my fault. None of my friends knew what was happening to me. I hid everything. I know you were abusive, and I know that what happened was rape. But I'm still taking the blame. I still feel like it's my fault. I broke up with you because I couldn't handle it anymore. We made it almost 4 months. Almost 4 months and you didn't know anything about me. Didn't know my eye color, didn't know my middle name, didn't know my birthday even. So I broke up with you. And I cried, and cried, and cried. Now it's 4 months after we broke up, and I still have issues with guys because of you. I saw you at the grocery store and nearly started crying while you ran away like a coward. But now I'm done with you. I'm done thinking about you, and I'm ready to make the most of my life. I'll be moving 3 and a half hours away from you this fall, and I'll be ready to find someone who will treat me right. Thank you for teaching me a lesson I'll never forget.