Weight watchers


Anyone know if weight watchers is safe while breastfeeding?

My story/situation: I had my little girl in December and she was in the nicu for about a month which means we ate whatever which wasn’t great for dropping baby weight. I’ve always struggled with my weight and had finally taken control of it when at around 5’ 4” I was weighing around 200 I lost too around 160. However, I got pregnant and I’m back to being not just overweight but considered obese (I know this without having to know my weight). I’ve avoided the scale but I know I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. I need to get my weight under control. I’m breastfeeding so need to be careful does anyone know if weight Watchers is safe while breastfeeding? My wake up call was when I couldn’t even wear some of my maternity clothes because they were too tight last night.