Chelsea πŸŽ€

The next time you try a judge someones pain try and see the pain through their eyes.

You wont see the tears during a flare up, you wont see the strain of trying to battle through daily chores, you wont see the reaction to pain medications.

You dont see how bad we feel when we have to change or cancel plans last minute because our body has said not today girl.

You dont see the fading hope for a cure onday.

You will only see the girl you think youn know, the girl that wears a smile and is getting along with life to the best of her ablility.

So the next time you try and tell someone they dont look sick, or they seem fine to you, or that things could be worse the chances are your not making them feel better, infact its adding to the pain they hide in those eyes. It only takes a second to think but it will mean alot more to us.

Us endo girls are stronger than anyone will truly know. Its a silent battle but it shouldnt be a silent disease, together we will gain awareness.

#iam1in10 #endometriosis #endo #endosister #march #awareness