This is Crazy (just wanted to share)

mommabias ✨ • mama to logan & soon to be jack 💙

i’m always trying to help keep up the hopes of those who are TTC. i know i don’t have reproductive issues, or other things that sooo many of you may struggle with, but i know what seeing that ‘not pregnant’ come up too many times on those stupid digital tests.

I know how it hurts to hold back your tears when the dr. comes back and says you aren’t pregnant.

I remember crying myself to sleep for nights on end wondering how people just get pregnant by accident and i can’t get pregnant on purpose?!

i finally got my positive this month. we used preseed & i used OPKs. my husband thought it wasn’t needed, but he didn’t truly know how much hurt in my heart i would have if i did’t come up positive this month.

ladies, i just want you to know that if you are following me, or i see you post a negative or positive, that i pray for you, by name, every night. i write down the names i see and pray for you personally every night.

after 6 years with the love of my life, i am finally having our flower baby. (not actively TTC for 6 years) to be clear. 🌼

i love all of you. and you can do this! i know it may take time, but it will happen!

i have arthritis, fibromyalgia, & scoliosis. i lost 60 pounds before i finally got my baby. i got off of 15 different medications (including a cancer drug (for arthritis)) for this baby.



(AFTER) 60 pounds down.

wheelchair because i literally hurt so bad i couldn’t walk.

using my cane after the wheelchair.

marrying the love of my entire life.

& finally, pregnant with my sweet little flower.

life will always be hard, but try & have fun & let it be.

love you guys. 🌸 i hope this filled you with hope. 🌸