I need your opinion


I think I want to disown my mom…

I’m 15 years old, and I know I’m young. However my mother has done nothing but make my life miserable for me and my family. So let’s start with that my dad and her are divorced, she lives in a city while I live with my dad. Last summer she put my brothers bank account in $3500 of debt, which my dad paid off (they have been divorced for 14 years) and she still hasn’t paid back since she has a grudge on my step mom. Then she got caught stealing tens of thousands of dollars from her job and that is is still unknown at the moment. But now she has lied to me about something I really care about, she sold MY horse when I wanted to gift it on like it was gifted to me.

So this is just the bigger things, the mental abuse of her guilting you toi be on her side. She has constantly tried to turn me against my family, not to mention lied to me about stuff that should not be lied about. I’m just so done, I can’t feel like this anymore.