A/F due 6/30

I'm Cassidy. DH and I have been trying to conceive since December (off Seasonal -90 day BC pill in November). We got pregnant at the end of December (was taking Maca and prenatals), but lost the baby at 6 weeks with the official miscarriage happening at 10 weeks in February. I've been using OPK and swore I had an anovulatory cycle so my doc put me on Clomid this cycle (days 5-9). I also am using pre-seed (DH hates) and vitamins. I have had cramping and bloating last two days with positive OPK and lots of BD. I'm not sure how long my cycle typically is because of the BC but it was averaging about 31-32 days. Clomid seems to have moved it up quite a bit (it was 7/4 before changing my OPK to positive in Glow yesterday). Fingers crossed!
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How are you guys doing playing the waiting game? I hate to say it but I'm trying to be pessimistic so I'm not disappointed with a BFN and super surprised if there is a BFP. Ever since going off the pill, my breasts get large and sore the week before AF. I can't even count that as a positive symptom. I also love pickles anyway, so craving those means absolutely nothing (I ate an entire jar and drank the juice yesterday). I had some pretty vivid dreams yesterday, picked up on some unpleasant scents and my teeth have been sensitive/itchy for a few days. I'm guessing it is just the clomid making me hyper sensitive. I've heard it can make you mimic pregnancy symptoms.


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I use this link a lot for when I should test and likely hood of it being accurate. http://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/pregnancy-test/dpo-chart.php?dpo=11I'd try to wait till about 12 dpo. 


Cassidy • Jun 17, 2015
I'd definitely get some OPK- Amazon.com has some for cheap usually! That way you have a better idea of your target window


Diana • Jun 17, 2015
The thing is i did not track my ovulation, just my last 3 periods. And the last one was 45 days


Posted at
I'm due for AF 6/30 also! Had a positive opk day before yesterday and yesterday.. A lot of BD! I've been using pre-seed also.. Had mild cramps almost like period cramps but no period 


Posted at
I'm due for AF on the 28th. Also was on seasonale for years and just stopped taking in April and TTC baby #1. My first cycle was 35 days and menses lasted 6 days.. Opk said I ovulated on the 11th, so not sure if  back to a normal 28 days cycle already or not... Time will tell... 


Posted at
Hi my af is due 6/30 too. I am cramping a lot today! Do you know when we can take a test?  My cycles vary.