Should I Or Shouldn’t I

So my fiancée and I are wanting to start Trying To Conceive, but I am in the IUD and he is like 80% ready for a baby and I am like 100% ready for a baby he says he wants a baby so that’s good we currently don’t live together but are trying to find a place to live together on a tight budget we are on Welfare please don’t judge us, we are both nineteen years old he has a son with his Ex girlfriend who won’t let him see his son he hasn’t told his mom about his son and probably never will but he wants three children where as I want like 8-12 children I have always wanted a big family but he doesn’t and that sucks he has three younger sibling the eldest is 8 years old Henning then Thorsten and then Stellan he is from Iceland so his name is Kristjan and my grandmother is Icelandic but she isn’t my grandma she is my old foster mother I was put into Child Services at age 11, but anyways I want and a baby and so does he but sometimes I feel like he doesn’t want one or doesnt even want to be with me anymore he looks at other girls I’ve gained a lot of weight I used to weigh 180 now I weigh 208 and I just want to be beautiful in my own skin but I can’t because I am fat sorry for being all over the place but what should I do should I stop my birth control and try for a baby or stay on it a little bit longer