Ramadhan and breastfeeding - help!

Xig • In the honourable words of Howard Moon - "I`m the fighter, you little tit-box."

Asalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I need some serious need of advice. I know a lot of breastfeeding mums don’t fast in Ramadhan. My sister’s in-laws do, every female in that family does. Up until I was told that they still fast, I was set on not fasting. But I haven’t fasted for years. I’ve been on medication that prevented me from fasting for years, then last year I was pregnant. This year I’m breastfeeding. But I want to fast. I REALLY want to fast.

Can I get some advice please? And if anyone has any experience at all of fasting while breastfeeding, please share it with me. I’m really stuck on this one. 🙁