Unable to get him hard? 😔

Okay so this happened yesterday. On Sunday he had a pretty heavy drinking session, he was drinking tequila like it was beer. He didn’t go to bed until around 4am. Yesterday he came over my place and it was hell to get it up. This hardly ever happens. He was complaining about a headache he had plus feeling dizzy/nauseous. Eventually he came, with lots of efforts. But he only came 1 time which is very unusual for us since he comes around 3 times sometimes even more a day. Anyways after he came we tried to do it again for hours but he just couldn’t get it up. Neither could I. I would succeed for about 2 minutes then he was soft again. Ok. Yesterday he was also drinking beer because he says that’s the cure for a hangover but he was having lots of beer. Anyways today he came over again saying he felt better and in the morning he was hard right away which was nice, but it was kind of a pain to make him come. He did eventually. Then again I’d say an hour later he got hard again, we did it again but he was unable to cum. He was throwing up today and yesterday. I took care of him of course and was worried am still not cause of this little “issue” we had but cause he seems sick. But like I’m pretty sure most of the ladies I do get self conscious when he can barely get it up or doesn’t cum as often. What do you ladies think?