How would you react?

My S.O and I have been together for about a year and everything between us is great, but his family is always distant. I have never been anything but kind towards them and I know that sometimes there is just nothing you can do to get people to like you. About two weeks ago my S.O sister reached out to me over a social media platform to direct message me telling me that she doesn’t like me and that she thinks I should move out of “her brothers house” and leave him alone. Some back story, I have never done anything to upset her and I have never done anything to hurt her brother this was all out of no where. I immediately take a screen shot and send it to my S.O without responding to her because I don’t want to show her that what she said hurt me and I don’t want to say something I know I would regret. He gets mad and says he will handle it, but I know there really isn’t anything he can do because in the end she can do what she wants. We haven’t really talked about it since and the rest of his family has kind of stopped talking to me all together. My S.O either doesn’t see this or is ignoring it and I don’t know how to handle it because this has never happened to me and it’s all an unresolved issue with me. How have/would you react or handle yourself in this situation? Or am I just overreacting.