Does this make me lazy?

I like to play video games in my spare time. It’s my hobby and the best way for me to relax and just enjoy some time to myself.

I only play video games when the household chores are done and all my adult responsibilities are taken care of for the day. I work 40 hours a week, just like my husband does.

But because my free time hobby is video games and not a physical or outdoor hobby, my husband says I have a “lazy streak”. My mother also agrees with him as she thinks video games are a waste of time for a 26 year old.

My husband’s hobby is mechanical so he is either outside or doing something physical in his free time. But he claims it isn’t the same as my video game hobby because my hobby is “lazy” and his isn’t.

Again I do not neglect my adult responsibilities to play games, I only get to play for less than 6 hours a week total. My husband however probably spends 20+ hours a week on his hobby and it costs considerably more money.

Am I lazy because of how I choose to spend my free time?

Bonus question: Am I wrong for comparing that I choose to spend my free time playing video games to my husband working on old cars as his hobby?

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