Someone needs sensitivity training


So I have a nasty flu and I am on CD 44 and my clinic had me go for blood work yesterday to see what my hormone levels are and had me in for a internal ultrasound today. (My first one ever) with a Dr I have never met before I might add.

I haven’t been for sure diagnosed with PCOS but they are strongly leaning towards it. So i am still learning about what it all is, treatments and what it will me for me on my TTC journey.

Anyway here was my experience today and why I feel so upset. Doc comes in, asks how l am. Tell her I have a flu but I’m good. She says ok lets get this done so you can go home cuz ur sick. Does the ultrasound and finds a cyst on my ovary . I ask her if its big or what. Says 4cm just get dressed lets get you home cuz your sick, go see the nurse at the desk. To me that sounds huge so i ask what does this mean. She says my blood work says my flow should be coming anytime now since i did ovulate, But this cyst is likely why its taking so long. I say ok so what do we do about the cyst. She says it should reduce within a couple months go ahead get dressed and see the nurse at the desk. I felt like she was being very cryptic and just trying to get me out of her office. The nurse at the desk hands me a prescription for birth control and tells me what it is. I immediately say birth control? But I’m trying to get pregnant i don’t want to be on birth control. Without explaining anything to me the dr who just seen me comes over says yes I’m giving you this just for a couple months. I then try to explain to her I have been TTC for 3+ years now, i really don’t want to be on it and ask her what the reasoning behind her decision was.

She just looks at me says “fine, don’t take it, just go home, get some rest, your not feeling well.”

I found her to be very dismissive and unwilling to listen to me and answer my questions. Like i was just a germ that needed to get out of the clinic. My being sick should not be any reason for anyone to push me out the door. I would think if it is a FERTILITY clinic, they would be more sensitive and understanding that i may need more explanation as to why you want me on birth control. I understand now that birth control is an effective way to shrink ovarian cysts, but would it have been so hard to explain that to me and not get defensive when i say i don’t want to go on the pill. IDK just made me feel shitty.