I needed to vent

Alexandria • I am a 28 year old mother of two beautiful girls! Azlynn Claire was born in March of 2013 and Arizona Ruth was born February 2019

So, my family is a large one and we are all really close. My cousin married a girl four years ago who is.....not the greatest human being. Like she is constantly making jokes about her being pregnant to my cousins (her sisters-in-law) one who can't conceive, another who is now unable to have anymore kids after her first due to medical issues, and myself who has been trying for 3 1/2 years now . I try to not let her get to me, but let's be real...I kinda wanna smack her. Anyways, she just announced last week that she is pregnant again with their second child...and this time is wasn't a joke. I wanted to cry. In fact I did cry. Both of my cousins are sad about it, but at the same time we are all trying to be happy for them. I expressed how I feel to my mom, and she told me I was being selfish and should stop trying anyways. I already have one child and shouldn't be greedy wanting another. She has told me jokingly on multiple occasions not to have another kid because "what if my daughter is the "good" one" since my daughter has Oppositional Defiance Disorder and has to go to behavioral therapy. Am I wrong to feel angry with her for telling me to stop trying. Am I being selfish? Sorry for the post that's a little scattered, it's 4:30am and I just needed to vent a little.