Need prayers/good vibes


During my pregnancy, I also started a new home health nurse job. The management really sold me on the job. They would be flexible with my doctors appointments, convinced me this was a great job for a “mommy to have,” since you are kind of in control of making your schedule, and it was a five day a week job “8-430” something sort of similar to my husband’s teaching job. Getting more and more into the job, all they cared about was my productivity and I started having to see six people a day....sometimes I would be doing admissions and I literally would go home and have at least three hours of paper work and it was already getting late. I would also have to look up all the people for the next day and some how manage to make a set schedule that was sometimes impossible to stick to because with nursing stuff happens. I was a nervous wreck. I would have to wake up early every day well before 8 am to make sure I was ready. They made it sound like I would be staying in one area of the city in order to make it manageable. They literally started giving me some patients that lived an hour away from my home. I was having anxiety/panic attacks almost everyday and I was barely eating or drinking water. Reminder that I am expecting in May. On Monday I scheduled a meeting with my manager and director to share my concerns. I was so concerned about my health and the health of my baby. They barely let me talk and made it seem like things will not get better and they expect me to be at this productivity of like 6-7 patients a day. They compared me to another employee that was pregnant and said that she was doing just fine and basically this was my own issue. I had this feeling deep down that this is it. I can’t give these people another minute of my time. I had to go to a class that day at the hospital that was at least three hours long but they still wanted me to see 3-4 patients that day. It was ridiculous. I was so worried about making it to the class on time. I was exhausted. I was doing anything I felt like I should be doing to prepare for baby. Even at my baby shower I was overwhelmed and all I could think about it making my patient schedule for the next day. These people didn’t give a shit about me and I was so burnt out. I quit that was so contrary of my character to do that. I felt liberated. Of course now I am faced with the consequences of that decision. Money. I had to switch to my husband’s insurance so now we need to meet another deductible. I feel like such a loser and I am now unemployed. Would I go back now after experiencing all this stuff I’m dwelling on now? Hell no. We have money saved but it makes me sick to my stomach that we need to rely on savings and only my husband’s income. I feel like such a loser but I felt like if I didn’t get out I would have maybe gone into labor early or something. I felt like I needed to save myself and the baby. My family has been very supportive and even like my brother who I only talk to from time to time called me on the phone for an hour yesterday. I just don’t know how to snap out of it. I feel like I don’t have the right to be at peace with my decision or to even be happy because now my family is facing a hardship. Any advice would be great. Thanks.