Transgender Problems 😫

Leo • Leo Weeks

So I came out as Trans last year and it was all good for awhile but now that it's been a few good months and I'm still me, people have started being quite mean and nit picking. saying things like "You can't be Trans because you still like makeup and heels and girly shit" it's like yes I know that I still wear some Feminine things but I also wear a binder now and male clothing. I have a very androgynous look. I don't know how to explain to people that I'm just a little different but that doesn't mean I'm not trans. I still feel I'm in the wrong body. 😥 my depression is getting worse because of it and I don't know how to block out all the comments that I'm getting. They all just keep replaying in my head all the time... I know I shouldn't care what people say but it still has an affect on me. does anyone have suggestions on how to deal with this?