Bed time routine for a 3 month old 👶🏽


Hello Ladies, just looking for some advice and would like to hear you’re experiences.

I have a 3 month old and I seem to have no bed time routine every day is different 🤦🏽‍♀️ I go with the flow and do what makes my baby happy so I give him a bath at 8/9 play some music sing to him keep the lights low when in the bedroom so he knows it’s bed time, then i get him creamed and dressed and give him a bottle, once he’s asleep I lay him in his cot ( 10:00pm) and he’ll sleep until 4:30 and by this time he starts to fidget so before he wakes up I put him in bed with me and he will sleep until 6/7am

I’m glad he goes back to sleep with no fuss at all but what can I do to keep him in his cot all night ? And I know 10:00 is too late for a baby so I’m trying to get him in bed earlier from today i bathed him at 6 feed him at 7 and now he’s sleeping but I know he’ll wake up again around one and then he’ll keep waking up every half hour 😞 until I put him in bed with me ... is this something I just have to keep trying until he gets used to it and stays in he’s cot all night or should I stop trying to get him in a routine and just co sleep ... sorry for the long msg but please give me your opinions and examples of your bed time routines 😊 thank you x