An unknown TWW

Katie 🇬🇧

After five cycles of TTC (long, 35 day cycles!) we decided to try something different this month. No OPKs, no BBT, no CM checking - nothing (apart from logging any symptoms and bd on glow for future reference). We have BDed every other day since AF left and I’m just finishing what Glow said my fertile week was but we will continue to bd every other day anyway.

Hopefully this will be our month. People always say ‘try by stop trying’ but I don’t see how that’s possible! Well done to those of you that did but I personally can’t ever completely switch off from TTC but hopefully, not being as obsessive will be the key for us!

Last month, hubby had some issues with his ‘drive’ which has NEVER been a problem for him. This month I think we’ve both actually enjoyed being intimate and my scheduling hasn’t been putting him off.

Thanks for reading such a long post. Nothing really to come of it but I felt I needed to blurt it all to someone as no one knows we’re TTC, saying it to my DH may be counter productive! This month I will wait until predicted AF before I test (I swear I’ll try! 😂)

Good luck to you lovely ladies TTC, how ever you’re doing it. Baby dust to all!!!!