Provera question- nervous, please give insight!


A little background - my dh and I are using donor sperm because he is unable to have children. All of my blood tests and hsg came back normal so now we are waiting for my first menstrual cycle, will have an ultrasound, start clomid, another ultra sound and if all goes well, a trigger shot and injecting the sperm through <a href="">iui</a>.

However, ever since stopping birth control a year ago my periods are irregular. I’ll go 2-3 months without having one so the doctor put me on Provera for ten days to get me to have one. He didn’t seem too concerned about it. My last Provera pill was 5 days ago. Last night was spotting but never actually started and today there’s nothing :( I’m not sure what to expect? Is it bad that I’m only spotting and is it a sign of an underlying issue? Or is it just a side effect and my period should come soon?

With everything we’ve gone through with my husband not being able to have kids I’m so nervous we’re going to try a bunch of IUIs and then find out there’s an issue with me as well :(