Embarrassing question at 36.4 W

FTM here. I was taking a nap this noon & out of the blue had an orgasm while in my nap . No dreams nothing . Hasn't happened ever before 🤷‍♀️ in my life.

About 3 hrs after that , baby started showing very huge movements as if he is living in a 1000 sq.ft house 😩 and hasn't stopped / taken a break at all . Makes me so tired . Is this movement normal?

Am scared if this could be a sign of early labour . No BH or any unusual/ new pains (except hip sore & backache & slow walking which has been the case since 34weeks) though so far (been 8hrs since the nap) .

Please tell me nothin to worry & this isn't a sign of labour .

Praying hard he stays put inside for 3 more weeks 🙏🏼.