do you cry when your s/o leaves???

we've been dating for six months. yeah yeah i get its like a honeymoon phase. we don't see each other often and we usually hang out twice a month during the weekends. usually more often than not when he leaves I usually cry. like I don't mean too. I don't want too but I cry haha.

like... what?? I'm 23 I have not dated more than 4 people basically. and no one's ever made me cry. haha i cried when he literally made me coffee and let me borrow his mom's mug for my journey of over an hour home cause of it was late and I was tired. or just when we hang out and one of us leave - I can tell he gets sad too before I can tell his eyes. heck not going to lie I get sad when it's Sunday morning cause I realize I have to leave...

like is this normal?? am I crazy? we both have our own friends and hang out with other people and social circles besides another but.. I can literally picture everything with him and I can't wait until the day we're together. From the moment I saw him sitting there at the table where we met I knew I was going to marry him (I get deja Vu thoughts--- anyone else ???)

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