Done with thia

I’m so tired of my parents blaming me for my messy room. I’ve had an old broken dresser in my closet for the last 2 years that they’ve failed to take out because their being lazy. I would do it myself, but it’s impossible (I tried, and ended up splitting my finger open). I’ve cleaned my room to its max, and they still claimed it was dirty. “Clean your room and we’ll take it out.” They’ve been saying that for the last 2 years!! My dad always walks in drunk and calls me a pig because how messy it looks. I can’t wait to move out this year... I can’t take them anymore.

EDIT: Ge walked into my room tonight and gave me a look of disgust just because I had a plate and a cup sitting on my desk 🙄 I try to avoid my drunk parents at all costs, but they just barge in at random times. I was going to take them out, but he decided to nonstop call me a slob and trash as he walked to my desk. Fucking... asshole... I don’t get how my parents can bring my mood so low in a matter of seconds.