Clear blue and first response..accurate

I've never had sex, but once using a condom, and when I did my So pulled out and ejaculted with the said condom on and away from me and my So never ejaculates near me or on me during foreplay. He also always goes to the bathroom prior to any foreplay with me and always after mastubation -which is the only way he cums besdies sex that one time- -----------------------------------on cycle day 1 and 10 he fingerd me. I dont know if he had pre-cum on his fingerd when he put his fingers into me. -----------------------------------I was suppose to start on cycle day 28. I took a clear blue line test on day 32 and a digital clear blue on day 34 ( by then I was 4 and then 5 days late) both were Negitve. -----------------------------------My cervix has been Low/very low since cycle day 16. When I feel the opening with my finger it feels like this *()* if a little. widder. my cm is dry/wet but dries fast. headache and acne -----------------------------------If i take a first responce on day 36 would the result be 100 accurate

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