My MIL is an idiot. Or she just hates me. Idk.

Ok. So my MIL is a whole basket of crazy and mean. She’s awful. Lots of drama. She was awful at my wedding and has been horrible to my SIL. But I’ve been try really hard to have a good relationship with her so that she doesn’t make mine and my husbands lives a living hell the way she’s done to my husbands older brother his wife. So I figured ok I’ll let her do a baby shower for the family, she’s been asking if she could be in charge of one and I figured it would be a great way to try and let her be involved because that’s easy right? A few decorations maybe some snacks and send out invitations? Right? Just a low key get together for all the women in mine and my husbands family. I told her she could make it as extravagant or as low key as she wanted I wasn’t picky I just wanted a fun time surrounded by family. WELL THIS CRAZY WOMAN DIDNT INVITE ANYONE FROM MY SIDE OF THE FAMILY!!! AND SHE ONLY SENT OUT FACEBOOK INVITES TO THE AUNTS IN MY HUSBANDS SIDE!! despite me having given her a list of addresses and names for everyone on my side and let her know that they don’t use Facebook very often so we would need to do real like paper invitations. I even asked if we (my mom and I ) could do anything to help. She said no and that she and it all under control. So I stupidly thought ok she’s a grown woman I can trust her to at the very least invite the people on the list I have her. NOPE! The shower is this Saturday and I just found out that NONE of my aunts or cousins were invited or even KNEW about the shower! So obviously and rightfully they are very hurt! My family is very close and I love them all so much and the fact that they all felt like I didn’t want them as part of this day for me makes me so upset!!! My mom and I have managed to call and smooth things over and they all know that it was it unintentional and that we didn’t know that they hadn’t been invited because e had let my MIL do everything for the shower like she wanted too.

The ONLY saving grace is that because mine and my husbands family is so big and we have sooo many aunts that MY mom and I are throwing another shower next month that was going to just be friends because two smaller showers was better than once huge one. but now it’s going to be friends and MY family because the family one this weekend is going to be just my husbands family 😒😒😒