Post Partum depression


Last January, I was diagnosed with PPD (my daughter was 4 months old at the time and I’m a FTM). I also realized that two of my so called friends were making my PPD a lot worse; I was literally in a toxic friendship with one of them. Shortly after I was diagnosed, I started seeing a therapist that I great connection with. I thought I was doing better but relapsed in the summer months and much to my surprise, my therapist moved to a new state so I had to re-establish my trust and connect with a new one.

I just had my last therapy session last Tuesday. My therapist strongly believes I am in a better place and I agree. I now only have to see him on as needed basis. In that year, I learned to let go of toxic friendships— needless to say those so called friends are no longer in my life.

Through this, my husband, family and REAL friends supported me. I did it for myself but also for my baby girl.

PPD is real, there is NOTHING wrong with you. Please seek help, please reach out. Do it for you and for your child. Remember that after a storm, there is a 🌈.